The BLS / Healthcare Provider students taking the class Wednesday evening were full of fun energy. The atmosphere was relaxed and students were engaged in the course material. We were able to take a few snapshots during the class that exhibit the students in action. One of the recurring complements that we hear is that our training site is comfortable. Our training site is a house, so when you take a class with us you can expect to be relaxed. Some students provide testimonials which highlight the best attributes of their classes. I encourage you to look at the testimonial tab on to see for yourself!

We value our students and the fact that so many are return customers. We also appreciate how the news of our classes spreads. Many of our students have been referred by friends and peers. One way for our customers to help spread the news about our classes is by taking a moment to provide reviews on-line. This is why we are offering a FREE aspirin pod to students who provide reviews through Google or Facebook at the end of our classes.

If you have not taken a class with us yet, we look forward to seeing you soon!

clean, comfortable training site
clean, comfortable training site
Providing breaths with barrier masks
BLS includes BVM training